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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2012 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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u.n. observers reach the side of the latest a massacre in syria but struggle to make sense of what happened while international efforts to solve the conflict are stepped up with russia taking a leak. and new laws on tougher fines for protestors violating public order comes into force today russia after a lengthy parliamentary debate demonstrators could face being out of pocket by seven thousand euros or having to do community service for breaking the rules. after being blacklisted by a baltic states if you were the police as a so-called threat to national security r.t. as reported investigates what's really behind the motion.
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it is ten am in the russian capital you're watching r.t. i'm marina joshie you want observers in syria say they can't confirm the details of the latest massacre in the country that monitors have investigated the scene of the killing but are unable to determine how many died or who's to blame several bomb blasts and gun battles have since erupted across syria and in the capital damascus from where our correspondent for national reports. damascus last night has been hit by ward some have been described as the heaviest fighting between the rebels the opposition the armed opposition and the governmental forces we've been deed been hearing sounds of explosions and how we shall ngs and separate shootings for several hours nonstop and as it's become normal for the syrian conflict we've been hearing conflicting reports on exactly what happened and why this occurred the london based syrian observatory for human rights have been saying that the rebels before it all started it organized a really huge anti government rally and then attacked one of the checkpoints of the
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syrian army here in the capital damascus and this is how the clashes started while official sources and this is something we're hearing from local media here in damascus are saying that that has been a terror attack organized by the rabble so again it's very hard to establish the truth but one thing is absolutely clear damascus. fifteen months of the conflict here in syria has most of the time remained under the governmental forces control but what we have seen now is that the rebels are trying to indeed bring the fight straight to. door to achieve their goal which is obviously. regime change been three days over these things the news of all the second massacre . of the massacre the second message in the last two weeks emerged but so far there is nuclear and distended in what happened who was behind the killing in the village
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in the central province of hama and actually how many people died have been hopes that the u.n. more interest will be able to shed light on the incident on friday finally managed to make to the scene of the massacre but what we're hearing from them. is that the site has been cleared and they've only discovered. traces and evidences of clashes and recent fighting such as burnt and destroyed houses last massacre in the village of houla was used by the free syrian army the biggest and the most well armed opposition group payer in the region as a pretext to withdraw from the international approved cease fire and to resume military operations against the government of course is we are still seeing diplomatic diplomatic efforts to southall this conflict here in syria russia is so committed to the u.n.
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peace plan and is now actively pursuing pursuing and backed idea of certain are an international group to mediate a solution and this is something. nations raggles including the u.s. has strongly criticizing as they have already this kind of international group friends of syria but they only deal with the opposition so as we can see the world is also divided and the reason a lot of confusion not only inside syria but also outside on how to act on syria and how to end the violence here in the country where even if the reporting there a prominent british journalist who's just returned from syria claims rebels set him up to be killed by the syrian army alex thomson from channel four news describe to r.t. what he calls a stunt pulled by opposition fighters in order to deal a problem at a blow to the assad regime. we were deliberately led out of that town away which they knew they the rebels knew were dangerous they told us go down
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a route which looked dangerous to us but we we trusted them we said that we would go down the road and we turned them down the road was blocked that was a robot which they had to have known was that there was nobody around and at that point we were forced to do this in the vehicle around in a free fire zone and one round was was jouni fired there were definitely those are dangerous situations and i you know i'm still in no doubt they did it deliberately like pointed dates generalized bad damascus and you don't have to be very clever to work out but the best of any journalist of the syrian army are going to be an appalling again president is that so the motivation for the rebels to pull a stunt like that is it seems to me is very obvious you know this is a war these things will be be done. now to get all the latest updates on the conflict in syria head to our web site r t v dot com let's have a look at what else is on the line for you there they have made us forces in
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afghanistan personally apologizes for the deaths of eight hundred civilians in afghanistan over half of them women and children publicly acknowledging their killings for the first time. extraterrestrial presence a war a failed missile launch find out what israelis saw high in their skies on r.t. dot com. now a new russian law increasing fines for people taking part in protests to file a public order comes into force today demonstrators could now face penalties of more than seven thousand euros russians opposition has been bubbling with indignation ever since parliamentary elections in december last year but as jake agrees reports it's unclear whether they can keep the momentum alive apart from
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their dislike of the man at the helm. it's been dubbed most days take on the people and movement. in america canada and around the globe we've seen protesters bedding down in their thousands he could never quite reach those numbers more people need to do these because most of them just come to us in the weekends and in the evenings with the support and a continual game of cat and mouse with the city's police has taken its toll there's a protest that moscow was only saw stop a short time ago it's already is the poor seems to be dwindling with those with a come out some visibly show their support no bring fewer and fewer we're talking about tens of hundred. more often than not and what's left is a hard core few struggling to keep this movement to life like occupy elsewhere this
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has been organized online and epitomized by their encampment but that's about where the similarities end rather than demonstrating against perceived social inequality this is principally about one man in charge president vladimir putin is a stance that has won them support spurred by the backlash from disputed parliamentary elections but it's a faction that has little else to agree on with her conglomerated fusion of very different political forces will have national socialist will have a radical bolsheviks with a lot of people who just don't want to go some people just want to have a party or so in this case when you have this fusion of very different political forces it's next to impossible for them to. have any demands symbolized by white ribbons the movement survive nearly half a year with mass peaceful demonstrations initially grabbing the public's attention hard to ignore some electoral reform has followed but more recently the efforts of
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be marred by violence leading to a change of tactics swapping clashes for camping the stage sit ins took root after tweet by prominent activist alexina valmy arrests have followed and many don't see the police as the real threat to the movement's longevity as a city just examples and leader is always your client says without a leader any movement is doomed to fail there is a unique situation higher than what it is as there is presently no leader here than in my hands i would need to report first issue i have not seen any leader that i can vote for myself but i hope that this movement will result in the birth of a new smart balanced and u.k. the leader of their development as a movement is something many will be watching intensely currently still ranks in this. speech. intense and twists it will be needed. for this hour here in
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our team shooting in the city find out why an unlikely hobby has taken the big apple by storm and as women flocking to the shooting range in droves and. do you trust your bank you know what do you trust about the mortgages they're investing in . well no. derivatives market. no. only god knows this. do you think god has his money in the bank. this morning. and find out more in the president's program shortly here on r.t. . after a stunning security police have branded r t an anime of the state our correspondent in the baltics. has launched an investigation he decided to get to the bottom of why he was accused of carrying out stoney and rhetoric where the motion comes from
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and what it really means my name is alexi. european bureau chief reporter now every time i travel to a store i always enjoy the wonderful hospitality of the. country from the journalism point of view over the past several years i've produced several stories on social and economic issues here but i never expected that my reports would be regarded by some as a threat to national security. every poor to buy the country's security police stated that my last three stories had an anti estonian tone and had nothing to do with the reality that is despite the fact these reports and rising neo nazis in a punitive new language law and the economic problems in the country featured prominent politicians and think tanks we went to the capital tal and to investigate what this was all about and finding myself on that list certainly came as a big surprise until i managed to speak to some of the locals who say that being
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there is nothing out of the ordinary here is andré has also been the victim of the security police for several years now. and under a how long have you been on that list. for three years now and this is connected to my work as a producer for russian channels basically people who are somehow connected to russia gets on this list the police don't do anything bad to has only minor things for example last year forty five minutes after i talked to one of archie's producers on the phone i saw a parking fine on my car's windscreen it had been standing there for more than a year and then i suddenly got a fine among others to be blacklisted were russia's foreign minister almost every russian t.v. news station and a handful of us stoniest top politicians some of whom in fact jumped to our defense tallinn's mayor said in a statement that accusing r.t. of anti is stony and propaganda made the country
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a laughing stock we asked his closest political ally parliament member began the form as to why they risk their careers and decided to support us but with the all of us of us about it why did the mayor and your party try to defend r t. well personally rushed into the car no less was not only about your can we believe this is undemocratic what gives them a right to label the media as safe and unsafe and putting black stains in certain people's reputations when i got on the very same list i told my mother about it she's old and she remembers soviet repression very well too upon hearing this news she nearly fainted and i had to call a doctor. to get on says i decided to go straight to the security police i was stalled their press officer was out of town but they gave me his telephone number i called and he told me i had to address my questions by email.
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i did but all i got in response was this it seems that you haven't read our annual reviews they're public for everyone and the english translations can be found on our web page we have grown used to a stony as officials denying us interview so this response was no surprise i did not receive any explanation neither as to why my work is considered offensive in a store nor what consequences may i face but i along with many a stone us on the blacklist hope that this mystery will soon be resolved with so many questions being asked domestically about the actions of the security police and the country's leadership is now under severe pressure to deliver some answers in the middle of june we're expecting a stoniest prime minister to produce a statement explaining the actions of the organization meanwhile there is a story as are found themselves on the blacklist in their home country are hoping that this practice will be then abolished. let's see russia f.t. reporting from tallinn in a stone. and later on we talk to foreign journalist david robb about examples of
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how the paragon put its hands to hollywood scripts and forces filmmakers to make changes. right here in los angeles a few miles from the u.c.l.a. campus there's a tall building on one entire floor as the film liaison offices of the brink or air force army navy and the coast guard and they sit up there and they and filmmakers who want military assistance give them their scripts they look at the scripts mark out what they think is they don't want and make suggestions on how to change the scripts to get approval then if they make a deal they sign a contract once they start shooting the film they have a military minder who actually comes onto the set to make sure that it's shot just the way it was agreed to be done and then before it's released to the public it has to be screened in washington d.c. for the generals and admirals i think the american people knew that their films were being. sanitized by the military and then prescreened for the for the washed
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and washed and for the generals and admirals that they would be outraged. with the end of the boer war and the going away of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappeared. the risk is not zero that something might be going off by mistake especially of sounds of the nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. upis of a difference to use it either as a threat all as an actual weapon you know if you keep spending a trillion dollars a year on weapons of venture you're going to blow everybody up you you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see it people don't wake up to nuclear weapons or build the new fears. that represents all the firepower of the
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second world war and this second sound is the equivalent firepower of the world's nuclear arsenal today. the. russians would be soon which brightened if you knew more about song from phones to crash in the sun. means for instance on t.v. dot com. it's easy to you.
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in egypt's thousands half lot of the capitals to hear your square calling for a ban from next week's election runoff match a fake hosni mubarak's former prime minister for pastors are alarmed by should fix close ties to the fall regime and the military and they believe his candidacy could be a threat to the revolution along with anti shafiq rally dozens of activists have marched on calling for the end of violence against women the number of assaults on females have risen dramatically since the start of the revolution with protesters blaming the military for the attacks human rights activists and he says the achievements of the revolution are falling short of expectations i think that definitely people
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didn't expect to see mubarak's expression minister and minister of view and a muslim brotherhood candidate and in the second run for the elections in egypt but at the same time i do think that we should to someone like a chick in the same bus get as morsi as corrupted as someone like shahid for example the milter council has a huge influence on the the entire process the elections is under their supervision and icing deaths having any kind of elections with the military council in power in egypt has no difference between having elections before there is mention with workers in power still the military is integrated in all the institutions of the country and they're definitely part of the words machine so i think that they wouldn't allow he wouldn't know some resolution a candidate or someone who is changed the status quo to come into power through the elections. look at some of the stories from around the world seventy un
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peacekeepers from his year have been killed in an ambush in ivory coast near its border with late beria they were part of a patrol trying to protect civilians in a remote village it's understood the group was attacked by a large number of people was no other details yet it was the first attack of its kind and more than forty u.n. monitors remain in the area the u.n. has had a peace observing mission in the country since two thousand and four to help and its civil war. rise police in bahrain's capital manama fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse thousands of anti-government protesters and it was the largest demonstration in over a year of ongoing unrest in the island kingdom now casualties have been reported from the clashes the shiite led opposition is pushing for greater rights in reforms from the country's sunni rulers. and a group of russian fans were attacked in the ukrainian city of evolve right after russia's match with the czech republic a brawl broke out as russian supporters emerged from the fan zone chanting slogans celebrating their team's for one victory
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some of those involved are reported to have been wearing the shirts of the ukrainian national team police broke up and cuffed one of the attackers but despite the violence russia has played a great game to the why of its fans are now awaiting the next match on tuesday. the number of female gun owners in the united states has nearly doubled in the past seven years now women in the big apple are joining the craze by spending their free time at the shooting range as reports the city's fire arm frenzy is only gaining in popularity. it's a show that defy new york city's ambitious successful female. you're known for their minola blunt it's and cosmopolitans. in real life. the latest trend attracting career women of the big apple pops more punch in the sweet cocktails call it cheap. being in the city we're still letter and rifles meet
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and different not common but i've been fairly quiet and i rather do it it's pretty cool actually it's very empowering if something like yeah you know you get ahold of a gun who does this not only with a manhunt is west side pistol range has become something of a networking hotspot a place where women from finance law education and many other industries gather to schmooze which would be a magazine round of ammunition and learn how to fire fifty rounds of bullets from a twenty two caliber semi-automatic rifle to do. this growing unconventional trend was first triggered by a new york city social networking group called urban girls club which organizes for weekly new york city events open to its ten thousand members the last time we did this event it was sold out immediately like within hours organizer rachel bressler says rifle shooting is one of their most popular events are seeing that women are into care of themselves and being that strong women in new york and increasing
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number of females are not only firearms they're also buying them according to this six the number of women who are no winners in the u.s. has nearly doubled in the house seven years with an estimated twenty three percent of league drop the country currently packing for the past year the majority of new members that manhattan's shooting range have been women why can you do it why can't i write show me how i'll do it better that's i think that's what women see a movement of trigger happy few males making firearms something of a new york fashion i said all right but i've done better i'm coming back so i'm going to prove that's my goal. r.t. new york. and the money makes the world go round when high yield savings rates are dropping do we have to save our money the pyre way or simply hide it in
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a sock our own resident laura harvin is gauged opinion on the streets of the big apple. do you trust your bank with your money this week let's talk about that the banks that we have all money on is like they are. doing in swiss francs most of it so all this is like save us currency at the moment in europe so we're feeling pretty good we're on the good side you and you're here in new york laughing at us with their silly dollars not really well. compared to your it's getting stronger and stronger i mean i do so what do you trust about the punk mortgages they're investing in. well no. derivatives market well no i don't trust people they've got control of all your mother his sister personal you know. they might be the best business is
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a personal say so what's the alternative what can we do about it because i think a lot of people feel that way. put it in your had it on the globe or you get me we are affected by your a very much our economy follows on what's happened in europe so. exchange rate is not good and the rand is plummeting so we wait for better times does that make you mad at europe as a continent. that's a sign of the times a bunch of german banks just got downgraded i don't know germany is supposed to be like the icon of europe like this opposed to be one of the stronger economies and others must be solid there is of course. the storm and we're not too far off and maybe you're right to not have your money in banks i mean it's secured but. when it all breaks down so what's the dollar going to be a way it's paper i know for a fact that banks are colluding with many different institutions in our country and across the world. how do you feel about that i mad as hell.
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it burns this the core of my being and so what can we do because i think a lot. people feel that way but they don't know what to do well obviously it mused to come down to a private or local levels what do you think is going to have been i mean it's going crazy all over the world and in europe things are going much. better. what's going to happen. only god knows this. i do think god has his money in a bank god smarted and that no matter how you feel about the economy in general these days the bottom line is it seems like there's less the less you can bank i. am just a few minutes you can watch our special report of how nuclear bombing survivors struggle to get on with their lives first though every cap of today's top stories.
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if you're following up on my doubt you'll go to the good. times are sort of a throwback and archaic part of our long. and it goes back to a time when people would write out of their forces in the wild west and take up these huge and it's important to mention the sheriff for prosecution there is no longer what company may not want to know people told me when they go out there he's got weapons. and you have to hope that nothing bad. will. but we're chasing killers and you gotta keep that in mind how does the two million dollar deal for his arrest. we're not superheroes we can be killed to you
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know if they shoot me in the head i'm going to die. and. once you hunted man you'll never go back to hunt anything else. with the end of the boer war and going the way of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappeared. the risk is not zero that something might be going off by mistake especially of nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. but most of the victims to use it as its rate as an extra bit but you know if you keep spinning a trillion dollars a year on weapons of eventually you're going to blow everybody up you you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see it people don't wake up to get nuclear weapons or a bill. that represents all of the firepower of the second world war and this second sound is the equivalent firepower.


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